MESA Skin Editor - instructions

Mirjana's picture
This document is created based on test done on SI 5.0 build 5006. It is a basic version of steps that must be done to use MESA Skin Editor. For detailed explanation you should find Sterling’s documentation!
1.    Install eclipse
If we have SI installed download and install Eclipse version
3.3.x. For more information, see
2.    Download and install Java 2 SDK
Download and install Java 2 SDK Standard Edition 5.0 (JDK 1.5.0_14 or higher) on the same PC that you installed Eclipse. It is important that you have the full JDK and not just the JRE.
3.    Set JAVA_HOME variable to JDK previously installed
4.    Set correct java used by eclipse
Window menu >> select Preferences >> Expand the Java section and select Installed JREs
5.    Start WebDAV server
The default WebDAV port is the base install port + 46
WebDAV server is started automatically in Windows system, by startWindowsService.cmd.
6.    Installing MESA Developer Studio
You must download and install MESA Developer Studio Eclipse plug-in components from your application instance.
SI and Web DAV must be up and running.
7.    Install MESA plugins
Eclipse Help menu >> Software Updates >> Find and install >>
Search for new features to install >> Next >> New Remote Site
  • Name - type a descriptive name for the remote application server.
  • URL - type the server name or IP address, followed by a colon and the WebDAV port number, followed by a slash (/) and the word "eclipse," in this format: new_serverWebDAVportnumber/eclipse
The system verifies the selected site and displays the results. On the search results page, expand the update site node and select from the following plug-ins, according to your licenses:
• MESA Studio
• MESA Developer Studio SDK
• MESA Developer Studio Skin Editor
• Reporting Services (automatically selects all three Reporting Services plug-ins: Fact Model Editor, Report Editor, and Report Format Editor)
8.    Set Up an Application Instance
Note: MESA Studio must be used, and an instance configured in it, before you make connection to an application instance and use MESA Develop Studio Skin Editor!
From the Window menu, select Open Perspective >> Other >> Select MESA Studio >> OK
9.    Create a New instance in MESA Studio
In the MESA Studio view in the upper left, right-click and select New instance, and set details for server connection
Once when you set a new instance, you can check the connection (green light) and right click on the instance and choose Change skin option.
Note: Change skin option is not available if you created an instance for the first time, and never downloaded skin. So, you should got to MESA Developer Studio Skin Editor and download the skin for the first time. You can get it by the following procedure:
Windows >> Open Perspective >> Other >> MESA Developer Studio Skin Editor >> Skin (menu) >> Download skin
You must check (right click on instance and Refresh) if there is connection to server (WebDAV), in order to be able to make skin modification of any of the following applications:
  • myAFT
  • Login
  • MBI
  • Community Management
  • Administration
  • Dashboard
  • AFT
You can download existent skin from server:
Skin menu >> Download skin
After making changes …
 … you can deploy it back:
Skin menu >> Deploy changes
The result is:
10.          Problem
I found the situation where I could change colours of dashboard but could not change the logo. Whatever I put as a new image for the logo and deploy it back, it would stay the same original logo in the site.
There are 3 changes I made and finally got it:
  • Installed new eclipse with a new workspace
  • Renamed dashboard.war (in noapp/deploy) into dashboard_OLD.war, to get completely new dashboard.war deployed from eclipse
  • Set java 1.5.0_16 in eclipse, instead of java 1.6 (that I used previously)